ITICAM 2017 International Trends and Issues in Communication & Media Conference
19 Temmuz 2017
Welcome to the International Trends and Issues Communication & Media Conference "ITICAM". The main goal of International Trends and Issues Communication & Media Conference is to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in communication and media can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in Turkish and English and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings.
Proposal & Abstract Submission Deadline: Until July 14, 2017
Full Paper Submission : Until August 20, 2017
Registration: Until July 14, 2017
Conference: July 17-19, 2017
Attention: When you submit your paper you will be informed about your submission in 4-5 days whether it is accepted or not.
Online Gönderi
Akademik Kongre/Sempozyum vb. Özet ve Tam Metin Gönderim Kuralları İçin Yazarlara Bilgi Yada Yazım Kuralları Kısmını İnceleyin. Akademik İndex Özet-Bildiri Değerlendirme Sistemine Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Aşağıdaki Linki Tıklayın
Online Sistemimize Dahil Olan Etknliklere; Online Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Tıklayın... (Bu Linkte Online Sisteme Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Bildiri Gönderilebilmektedir.)