February 29, 2016 Abstract Submission
March 7, 2016 Author Notificiton
May 30 – June 3, 2016 Sessions
Konu ve Kurullar vb.
The Impacts of Economic Change on Turkish Economy |
The Impact of Arab Spring on Turkish Economy and Regional Opportunities |
Competitiveness |
Regional Marketing |
Regional Tourism |
Capital Markets and Foreign Direct Investments |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
Energy Policies in terms of Economic and Political Context |
Regional Cooperation in International Trade |
Refugees and Migration |
Adaptation Capability of Economic Sectors in the Change Process |
Human Capital |
Economic Growth and Development |
Industrialization |
Agriculture |
Knowledge Economy and Information Technology |
Technological Development and Investments |
International Capital Flows, Investment and Borrowing |
International Financial Institutions |
Capital Accumulation and Banking System |
Economic Integrations |
Renewable Energy Resources Investment and Regional Impacts |
Finance |
Financial Economics |
Financial Markets and Institutions |
International Finance |
International Economy |
Labor Economics |
Capital Markets |
Venture Capital |
Accounting and Auditing |
The Public Economy |
Labor Economics |
Social Policy |
Psychology of Working-Employment |
Sociology of Work |
Poverty |
Social Exclusion |
Unemployment |
Labour Relations |
Human Resouces and Discrimination |
Market Freedom and Global Crises |
Fiscal Policies for Crises |
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Harmonization in Crisis Environment |
Incentive Policies in Crisis Periods |
The Changing Role of Government and The Transformation of Fiscal Policy |
Fiscal Discipline and Budgetary Policies |
Other |
February 29, 2016 Abstract Submission
March 7, 2016 Author Notificiton
May 30 – June 3, 2016 Sessions
Submission Guidelines
All abstracts and full paper submissions should ONLY be addressed to the following e-mail address:iceb2016@cbu.edu.tr The paper must be written in Times New Roman font by using Microsoft Word. The followings must be considered before submission of the Paper.
1. Title page
The title page should include the title, the name, institutional affiliation(s), full postal address, telephone/fax number and E-mail of each author as well as JEL classification and key words of the paper. If there is more than one author, indication should be made as to which author is responsible for correspondence.
2. The Title of the Paper
The title should be bold, first letters of the words capitalized, centered, and have a Times New Roman font of 12. One space should appear before and after a title
3. Author/Authors
The name of the author/authors should be after the title of the page font of 10 and the affiliations should be written as a dip note. Each of the author names should appear on a single line
4. Abstract
Must not be more than 200 words and should be written in Times New Roman font of 10.
5. JEL Code
Please provide the appropriate Journal of Economic Literature Classification System code(s) under the abstract. JEL codes are available at http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.
6. Text
All papers should be on A4-size paper and written in MS Word. The papers should not exceed 10 pages, be 1 -spaced and written in Times New Roman with a font size of 11.
7. Tables/Figures
Tables should be included in the document. Tables should be numbered consecutively as Table 1 and so on. Tables must be editable and fit within the margins The font of data in the table should be set to Times New Roman ten. Figures should be included in the document and must be editable. Figures should be numbered consecutively like Figure 1: and so on
8. References
References must be consistent with Harvard Style. The references in the text must be given as author-date style.
Online Gönderi
Akademik Kongre/Sempozyum vb. Özet ve Tam Metin Gönderim Kuralları İçin Yazarlara Bilgi Yada Yazım Kuralları Kısmını İnceleyin. Akademik İndex Özet-Bildiri Değerlendirme Sistemine Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Aşağıdaki Linki Tıklayın
Online Sistemimize Dahil Olan Etknliklere; Online Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Tıklayın... (Bu Linkte Online Sisteme Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Bildiri Gönderilebilmektedir.)